Food and drink on a winter photography trip

Since I have been asked this from time to time, this time I thought of writing down what I would take with me on my winter photo trips for food and drink. Also what are the technical aids for cooking and eating. Drink I started with the drink first. As […]

Colourful sunset at Suurupi

The sunsets in February are usually very colourful, but there hasn’t been too much sunshine this year. But on the day I went to Suurupi, everything worked out great. Of course, I didn’t go there to photograph the sunset without knowing that sunshine was expected. I looked at several weather […]

Tilgu Caves

This little photo trip took me to the Tilgu caves in Harju County. The trip was not long, only 1 kilometer, but there was plenty of sightseeing and climbing. The trip itself looked simple: Tallinn – Tilgu Harbour – Tallinn. I parked the car and went to the Tilgu caves. […]

Kakumäe peninsula in winter

As a change, I thought of going a little closer, i.e. in Tallinn on the Kakumäe peninsula. I hadn’t been there in a long time, so I thought I could go. However, when you get there, the problem is often that there is nowhere to park the car, at least […]

Kodru bog, Järva-Madise, Peetri

It was time for a new journey. This time I had decided to go to the trails of Vargamäe, in other words to Järva County. I set up 3 main destinations for myself that I wanted to reach that day. These were Kodru bog, Järva-Madis and Peetri. In previous days, […]

Saue and Keila

I got an idea to go to explore the Saue oak grove. And so that the trip would not be too short, I added the town of Keila. The weather that day was beautiful and snowy. So I packed my things and set off. The first destination was Saue oak […]

Snowy Suurupi

Originally, I had planned to go to Central Estonia to take pictures this week, but the lack of time forced me to abandon this plan. That’s why I made one smaller trip to Suurupi. I was on this trip for only a couple of hours, it took about 4 hours […]

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