Tilgu Caves

This little photo trip took me to the Tilgu caves in Harju County. The trip was not long, only 1 kilometer, but there was plenty of sightseeing and climbing. The trip itself looked simple: Tallinn – Tilgu Harbour – Tallinn. I parked the car and went to the Tilgu caves. […]

Kakumäe peninsula in winter

As a change, I thought of going a little closer, i.e. in Tallinn on the Kakumäe peninsula. I hadn’t been there in a long time, so I thought I could go. However, when you get there, the problem is often that there is nowhere to park the car, at least […]

Kodru bog, Järva-Madise, Peetri

It was time for a new journey. This time I had decided to go to the trails of Vargamäe, in other words to Järva County. I set up 3 main destinations for myself that I wanted to reach that day. These were Kodru bog, Järva-Madis and Peetri. In previous days, […]

Saue and Keila

I got an idea to go to explore the Saue oak grove. And so that the trip would not be too short, I added the town of Keila. The weather that day was beautiful and snowy. So I packed my things and set off. The first destination was Saue oak […]

Snowy Suurupi

Originally, I had planned to go to Central Estonia to take pictures this week, but the lack of time forced me to abandon this plan. That’s why I made one smaller trip to Suurupi. I was on this trip for only a couple of hours, it took about 4 hours […]

Pakri pensinsula and Pakri waterfall

Among my top three plans had been the Pakri peninsula and, in particular, Pakri waterfall. I hadn’t taken pictures of this waterfall in the middle of winter, so now I had to make this plan a reality. So the purpose of this trip was only the Pakri peninsula. I was […]

Snow-world: Äntu lakes, Koeru, Aegviidu

I had been planning this trip for some time. The obstacle had been the length of the day so far. The days are not very long yet, but the snow is on the ground and it adds light. In fact, there were more places in the original plan, but a […]

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