KUMU and Kadriorg

On July 27, 2020, I went to take pictures with a drone at KUMU and in Kadriorg. First I went to the upper parking lot of KUMU (Valge street). I prepared the drone in the car and then I got closer to KUMU. I let the drone fly. But soon […]

Pae park and Laagna road

On July 20, 2020, I went to Pae Park in Tallinn to take pictures with a drone. It can be put like that, because I was there, and the drone also flew over Laagna road. To fly at this location, you must have a one-time permit to fly and have […]

Põltsamaa and Tartu

PÕLTSAMAA I arrived at Põltsamaa at noon. The weather was beautiful. There were plans to make drone pictures of Põltsamaa fortress and church. I let the drone fly and about 20 minutes of adventure in the air began. I took pictures of the fortress and the church, but also general […]

A trip to Ida-Virumaa

August 5, 2020 I undertook a trip to Ida-Virumaa. The preparation took quite a long time, because I wanted to to capture as many different things as possible. Initially, the plan was to start the journey through Tartu County and drive along the Tartu-Jõhvi highway to Ida-Virumaa, but this plan […]

Lasnamäe Church and Tallinn City Hall

At one point, I became interested in taking pictures of Lasnamäe Church, with a drone. So I had to fulfil the plan. I packed things up and went. Although the plan was only to fly the drone, I did not leave the camera behind. When I arrived, it turned out […]

Sunset at Suurupi

At the end of one summer day, a wish emerged to take pictures of the sunset. I didn’t look at the weather forecast, just looked at the sky. There were enough clouds for it to be creating something. I chose Suurupi, the beach at the Maritime Communication Center, as my […]

Riisipere, Nigula, Rohuküla, Haapsalu

I went to take pictures in Riisipere, Nigula, Rohuküla and Haapsalu. It was a so-called drone day, when I didn’t even take pictures with the camera. The trip started from Tallinn and the first destination was Riisipere. There I wished to take pictures of Nissi church with a drone. When […]


This was a photo trip that took place in spring, the description of which I will now write here. The trip was as follows: Tallinn – Keila – Seljaküla – Variku – Vaisi – Nõva – Rannaküla – Harju-Risti – Keila – Tallinn. I took pictures at Variku, Nõva and […]

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