Vanasauna Waterfall

Some time ago I discovered a new waterfall (cascade) for myself. I read an article somewhere that such a waterfall exists and it looked quite unique in the pictures. So I decided to go see it and take photos. I had been to it once, during the previous photo trip, […]

A walk on the Pakri peninsula

I took a slightly longer walk on the Pakri Peninsula. The plan was to go to places I hadn’t been to before. I mainly moved around in the woods near the former Leetse missile base. I had no direct goal on this little trip. I just wanted to look around, […]

Kaberneeme and Jägala waterfall

I had been planning to go to Kaberneeme to take pictures for some time, and this week I realized that plan. There were 3 destinations: the top of the Kaberneeme peninsula, a wooded area between Kaberneeme and Ihasalu, and on the way back the plan was to hop by the […]

Sunset at Ninamaa

The weather forecasts allowed good clouds at sunset, so I had to take advantage of it and go take pictures of the sunset. But where to go then? I decided in favor of Suurupi, more precisely Ninamaa. I packed things up and set off. Since this was a new place […]

The first sunset of spring

The plan was to take pictures of the first sunset of this spring. It couldn’t happen in the very first days of spring, but I managed to go during the first week. Choosing the right day is not an easy task. I looked at one weather forecast and then another […]


One cloudy and somewhat windy day, I wanted to go somewhere to take pictures. Didn’t want to go very far. There were many different places in my mind, but the seaside area of Laulasmaa won. So I decided to go. I’ve been in the area before, but not on spot. […]

Rummu quarry and ash-hill

This time I decided to go to Rummu quarry and ash hill. I also thought at length about whether to apply for a permit to fly a drone for a trip there. As the area there is located near the Ämari air base, you must apply for a permit to […]

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