Palmse and Ilumäe

I went to take pictures at Palmse manor and Ilumäe chapel. The main goal was to take pictures from the air with a drone. I didn’t take out the camera this time. The trip itself was easy: from Tallinn directly to Palmse, from there to Ilumäe and then back to […]

Viru bog

I visited the Viru bog at sunrise. In order to be there on time, I had to get up at 4 o’clock. The sun rose around 6:20. I was there 45 minutes earlier to be in the bog at sunrise. The drive went well, there was little traffic. I used […]

Saaremaa vol. 2

This post is a continuation of the previous Saaremaa post: Saaremaa vol. 1 ANGLA After leaving the Meiuste, the direction was towards the Angla windmill park. I have visited this wind farm repeatedly, but I have never taken pictures with a drone there before. That was the purpose of this […]

Seli bog

I took a small trip to Seli bog. It is located in Paide parish in Järva County and is part of the Simisalu-Matsimäe nature trail. The purpose of this trip was to get acquainted with the bog, not so much to take pictures. I hadn’t been there before, so I […]

Saaremaa vol. 1

I visited Saaremaa this summer. It was a day trip. Left early in the morning and returned late at night. The itinerary looked like this: Tallinn – Virtsu – Orissaare – Leisi – Angla – Karja – Pärsama – Valjala – Kahtla – Laimjala – Pöide – Tornimäe – Liiva […]

Maarjamäe and Pirita

I went on a small photo trip at Maarjamäe and Pirita. MAARJAMÄE The first destination was Maarjamäe Castle Park. There were no visitors in the park, but some staff were tidying the park: some cut the hedges, some cleaned the roads. But in general there were very few people. I […]

My photo bag

Now I have a new photo bag. I was wondering for a long time what kind of photo bag to get. I watched a lot of YouTube videos. One name “Lowepro ProTactic 450 AW II” started going through there again and again. This bag was also available in Estonia and […]

Tammsaare park

I had a plan to go to take pictures of the Tammsaare park in Tallinn. One part of Tammsaare park is a no-fly zone, where the permit of the Civil Aviation Administration must be obtained. I could apply for this permit, but I didn’t bother to do it this time, […]

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