Loosalu bog

I’ve always liked bogs, whether I’m going there to take pictures or just go for a walk. There is something so special about bogs, at least for me. I decided to go to Loosalu bog. It’s is located in Rapla county, quite near Järva county. I had never been to […]


Since I am sometimes asked what camping equipment and photography equipment I use, I will add reviews of the equipment I have acquired to this blog. This text is not sponsored by anyone. I chose the product and paid for it myself. On my travels, always a good companion is […]


This time I was in a bit of trouble choosing a destination. The soul longed to go to a certain place, but lack of time did not allow it. I had to find a place closer to home to take pictures. Paljassaare stood out. So I packed my things and […]

Treppoja, Pakri peninsula and Paldiski

I had thought for a long time that I should go to the Pakri peninsula again. There has always been something interfering with my getting there. But this time I decided to go. I also added the Treppoja waterfall. The trip started from Tallinn and the first destination was Treppoja. […]

Christmas tree in the Tallinn town hall square

On the first day of December, I thought it appropriate to go to Tallinn Town Hall Square to take pictures of the Christmas tree there. There was no snow in Tallinn that day, but that was all right. Above all, I wished to take pictures with the drone, because this […]

Foggy Saaremaa

Hereby I intend to describe a one-day photo trip to Saaremaa in word and picture. The trip took place in autumn 2012. The weather was cloudy on the mainland that day, but when I reached Saaremaa it started to fog. The fog did not dissipate throughout the day, so it […]

Tallinn Rally

These are photos taken in 2007, but I thought I could make this post to a blog. The rally took place on the streets of Tallinn and all the photos were taken in one place, at the intersection of Adamsoni and Toompuiestee streets.

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