Eelmises loos juba kirjutasin, et plaanin uuesti Linnuteed pildistama minna. Nii ka läks. Seekord oli sihiks Rummus asuv tuhamägi. Läksin kohale paar tundi varem, et oleks aega õige pildistamiskoha leidmiseks ja ettevalmistuste tegemiseks. Veetsin kohapeal umbes 3 tundi. Seltsi pakkusid kauguses haukuvad koerad ja üksik rebane. Linnutee oli ka kogu […]
Category: Travels
Linnutee Kakerdaja rabas
Juba mõnda aega liikus mõtteis minna rappa Linnuteed pildistama. Siiani polnud see õnnestunud seetõttu, et ma polnud tabanud sobivat hetke: minu võimalused öösel pildistama minna, selge taevas ja Kuu puudumine. Seekord aga leidsin sobiva öö. Sõit võttis aega umbes tunni. Olen Kakerdaja rabas käinud palju kordi, kuid päris kottpimeduses mitte. […]
Valgejärve järv
Kuna muid tegemisi on olnud viimasel ajal päris palju, on jäänud fotodega tegelemine mõnevõrra tahaplaanile. Aga nüüd jälle uue hooga. Tegemist on juba sügisese väljasõiduga. Käisin taaskord Harjumaal Valgejärve järve ääres. Reis polnud eriti pikk. Kohapeal tegin ka ainult mõned üksikud pildid, needki drooniga. Kuna ilm oli päris tuuline, siis […]
Places near lake Peipsi
I had not been hiking anywhere for a long time, but this time I made a trip to the settlements by lake Peipsi. In addition, some other places so that the way back and forth would not be monotonous. The plan was as follows: Tallinn – Kallaste – Alatskivi – […]
Noctilucent clouds in Tallinn
The purpose of this time’s photo trip was to capture noctilucent clouds. I had already taken pictures of them a few weeks earlier at Suurupi. But now the plan was to choose a slightly different landscape. For this, I had prepared several new destinations for myself, two of which I […]
Pakri cliff in sunset
The sun was shining and the weather forecast promised clouds. I thought I could go to the cliffs of the Pakri Peninsula to photograph the sunset. Decided, done. About an hour’s drive and I was there. But as is often the case, there were no clouds to make the sunset […]
Noctilucent clouds at Suurupi
Mid-summer is the time of noctilucent clouds, so I waited for the right time to take pictures of them. I chose Suurupi as the destination. I started driving to my destination at 11:30 pm, driving for a while and I was there. Now I had to wait a bit for […]
Pärispea peninsula
This time the photo trip took me to the Pärispea peninsula. The plan was to reach the very top of the peninsula, Cape Purekkari. Before that, however, I visited some other places that seemed interesting there. The trip started from Tallinn and the first destination was the ancient valley of […]