Pärlijõgi river ancient valley

This time the target was the ancient valley of the Pärlijõgi River. This river is officially called the Pudisoo River and is located in Harju County. I had never been to this destination before, although I had moved around this river a lot. Nor did I know exactly how to […]

Männiku and Lake Kõnnu

This week I took a small trip to Männiku on the border of Tallinn and Kõnnu lake in Rapla County. First of all, it was a research trip, that is, I wanted to find new places to go to take pictures in the future. I found some places, so the […]

Vanasauna Waterfall

Some time ago I discovered a new waterfall (cascade) for myself. I read an article somewhere that such a waterfall exists and it looked quite unique in the pictures. So I decided to go see it and take photos. I had been to it once, during the previous photo trip, […]

A walk on the Pakri peninsula

I took a slightly longer walk on the Pakri Peninsula. The plan was to go to places I hadn’t been to before. I mainly moved around in the woods near the former Leetse missile base. I had no direct goal on this little trip. I just wanted to look around, […]

Photo session of crocuses

Some time ago I made a post about a photo session of snowdrops. Now was the time to take pictures of crocuses. The weather was somewhat windy that day, but it didn’t interfere with photographing crocuses. Adding to the charm was the fact that when I began, it started snowing. […]

Spring-time birch leaves

I took a short walk in a nearby forest. There was no goal to find anything very special, I rather walked and looked around. The first signs of spring are already visible, but most of them were not worth capturing. However, the first leaves of a birch tree caught my […]

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