Pärlijõgi river ancient valley

This time the target was the ancient valley of the Pärlijõgi River. This river is officially called the Pudisoo River and is located in Harju County. I had never been to this destination before, although I had moved around this river a lot.

Nor did I know exactly how to get close there, so preparatory search had to be done. Initially, I chose the wrong path. At the same time, it took me to a place where not so many have been. As the river is located quite deep in the valley, I had to climb quite a lot to reach the river. And because the first path was wrong, it was not easy to get to the river.

After climbing down the hill and struggling with the bushes, I reached the river. To my surprise, I discovered that part of the river bank was still under a few centimeters of snow. I took a long break in this place, because there had already been much walking and climbing. I took pictures of the river, had a look at the beaver dam and photographed wood anemones.

Now it was necessary to go back. So I had to struggle through the bushes again and climb up a very steep hill. After I got up, I walked along the road parallel to the river, but it didn’t take me where I wanted to go. Nothing doing, I went back to the car. I had a small lunch by the car and studied the map a bit. I decided to take another path. And it took me to where I wanted to go.

Now I got to the river with ease. There I took pictures again. I also found a mezereum bush by the river, which was blooming nicely.

I started to like this place and will definitely go back in a month. But it was a nice trip, physically difficult, but the effort was worth it.