Kakerdaja bog

I went to Kakerdaja bog to take pictures of the sunrise. Beforehand, there was a lot of preparation to figure out what day would be the best place to go to the bog. The conditions were that the cloud cover should not be too dense and there should be fog. […]


This time the road led me to Kadriorg. I was hoping that the trees would be yellower there, but the actual sight was a little disappointing. One must still wait for the right time. The walk lasted about 1.5 hours. I went to the palaces, the Japanese garden and a […]

Loksa and Käsmu

This time the road took me to Loksa and Käsmu. The first destination was Loksa, in fact Kasispea near Loksa. On the way there, an insane number of cars caught my eye at the Viru bog. Seeing the number of cars, the question arose as to whether these hikers were […]

Pae park in Tallinn

I went to the Pae Park in Tallinn again to take pictures. This time it was the drone’s turn to take pictures. I wished to capture the Pae Park lit in street lights. The drone made two flights in that park that day. One before sunset and the other when […]

Muraste and Suurupi

I took a small photo trip to Muraste and Suurupi. I visited two places I had never been to before: the sacred grove of Muraste and one coastal section in Suurupi. The first place was Muraste sacred grove. I parked the car near Muraste manor and went to the woods. […]

A stormy day in Suurupi

I thought and wondered if I should go take photos of the stormy sea. At first I meant to go to Kakumäe, but then I decided in favour of Suurupi. The drive there was quite interesting due to the strong wind. The whole way the wind wanted to push me […]

Saaremaa vol. 3

This post is a continuation of previous Saaremaa posts: Saaremaa vol. 1 ja Saaremaa vol. 2 PÖIDE The target was the church in Pöide. Initially, I had also thought of going to the stronghold there, but I cancelled this time. I’ve been there before. First I walked inside the church […]

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