Kivistised Paljassaares

Käisin väikesel jalutuskäigul Paljassaare poolsaarel. Jäin ühel rannalõigul pikemalt peatuma ning leidsin sealt mitmeid kivistisi.  

Noctilucent clouds in Tallinn

The purpose of this time’s photo trip was to capture noctilucent clouds. I had already taken pictures of them a few weeks earlier at Suurupi. But now the plan was to choose a slightly different landscape. For this, I had prepared several new destinations for myself, two of which I […]

On the Paljassaare peninsula

This time I was thinking of going to take pictures of the weather. It was raining on that day, and when looking at the thunderstorm maps on the web, thunder was also flashing near Tallinn. So I decided to go to the Paljassaare peninsula to maybe get a thunderstorm or […]

Spring arrived in the woods of Astangu

Before this photo trip, I took a walk to the same place 3 days earlier. Immediately the day after my first visit to the same area, a heat wave arrived in Estonia. This meant that nature could begin to grow at full speed. This could also be seen on my […]

A walk at Astangu

I used to walk around in the Astangu area quite often, but lately it has not been the object of my attention. But now I decided to go on familiar trails again. So I took the necessary things and went. A little drive and I was there. I started the […]

Sunset in the sand hills of Männiku

I had thought that in case of an opportunity and an interesting sunset, I would go to Männiku quarry in Tallinn. There are interesting sand hills there that I was thinking of capturing. I studied the weather forecast, looked at the sky, and decided that now was the time to […]

In Männiku wood

I made a short spring holiday trip to the forests of Männiku. The main goal was to capture something with a macro lens, and some possibilities opened up for that. I also spent a short time by Lake Raku, but I didn’t take pictures there. I thought there would be […]

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