Sügis Muraste hiiemetsas

Sügisel käisin taaskord Muraste hiiemetsas. Peamine eesmärk oli märgata ja pildistada sügisega seonduvat, peamiselt makroobjektiiviga. Lootsin leida rohkem seeni, kuid neid eriti polnudki. Ainult mõne üksiku sain pildile. Aga muidu oli tore käik ja ühtteist sain ka pildile. Pildid said seekord järgmised:  

Sügisene mets

Seekord panen kirja ühe loo pildistamisest eelmisel sügisel. Varem polnud jõudnud seda lugu kirja panna, kuigi pildid olid juba ammu valmis. Sellised olid seekordsed fotod:

Spring arrived in the woods of Astangu

Before this photo trip, I took a walk to the same place 3 days earlier. Immediately the day after my first visit to the same area, a heat wave arrived in Estonia. This meant that nature could begin to grow at full speed. This could also be seen on my […]

Männiku and Lake Kõnnu

This week I took a small trip to Männiku on the border of Tallinn and Kõnnu lake in Rapla County. First of all, it was a research trip, that is, I wanted to find new places to go to take pictures in the future. I found some places, so the […]

A walk on the Pakri peninsula

I took a slightly longer walk on the Pakri Peninsula. The plan was to go to places I hadn’t been to before. I mainly moved around in the woods near the former Leetse missile base. I had no direct goal on this little trip. I just wanted to look around, […]

Early spring in nature

I was thinking of going on a slightly longer trip, but contrary to the weather forecast, the weather was by no means what was promised. Therefore, the longer trip was cancelled and I decided to go not far from home to the forest. There was no specific purpose for taking […]

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