Cherry blossom time

It’s time for cherry blossoms, so I couldn’t help but take pictures of them. I know one of the trees near where I live, which is a pretty good place to capture. So one evening I went to take pictures of this tree. The weather was somewhat windy, which made […]

Spring blossoms

This time I decided to take pictures of a nice blossoming tree. The tree was full of beautiful white blossoms at the time the pictures were taken. The time of blooming is already coming to an end, although I am writing this post 2 days after the photos were taken. […]

A walk at Astangu

I used to walk around in the Astangu area quite often, but lately it has not been the object of my attention. But now I decided to go on familiar trails again. So I took the necessary things and went. A little drive and I was there. I started the […]

Sunset in the sand hills of Männiku

I had thought that in case of an opportunity and an interesting sunset, I would go to Männiku quarry in Tallinn. There are interesting sand hills there that I was thinking of capturing. I studied the weather forecast, looked at the sky, and decided that now was the time to […]

The buds of tree leaves are opening

Spring has now advanced so far that the tree leaves are coming out of their buds. The leaves-to-be are no longer too small nor at the same time too large, which is why I went to take pictures of the opening tree leaves. In particular, the leaves of the horse […]

Former missile base at Türisalu

I took a slightly longer walk to the territory of the former Türisalu missile base. I had partially visited the area before, but I had not taken such a thorough walk there. I approached the territory of the missile base from the Vääna – Keila-Joa road and walked through practically […]

In Männiku wood

I made a short spring holiday trip to the forests of Männiku. The main goal was to capture something with a macro lens, and some possibilities opened up for that. I also spent a short time by Lake Raku, but I didn’t take pictures there. I thought there would be […]

I photographed the blossoms of a house plant

Spring time is here and many houseplants are blooming. So I decided to take a picture of a plant that stood out with the beauty of its flowers. I didn’t take many pictures this time, but the moment of flowering was captured in the photos. The plant I photographed was […]

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