Pen tablet

Some time ago, I had bought myself a pen tablet. When I bought it, I tried it a few times and then I repeatedly wondered why use it when I could get things done easier and faster with the mouse. So the pen tablet remained unused. I have a pen […]

Põllküla, Madise, Laoküla

I hadn’t been to Paldiski for a long time. That’s why I gravitated toward there on one nice autumn day. The trip started from Tallinn, through Keila I moved on to Põllküla. In the meantime, I stopped by the roadside to take a picture of a nice birch grove. Some […]

Autumny Pirita

There came an opportunity and a wish to go to Pirita to the forest and the Pirita river. I picked the most suitable day and drove there. The aim was to photograph trees and riverside life. I didn’t go for a simple walk. I had been to some places there […]

Waterfalls of Vasaristi and Nõmmeveski

I decided to take pictures of Vasaristi and Nõmmeveski waterfalls. Initially, the plan was to go to Joaveski as well, but I was pressed for time and didn’t make it there. The weather was beautiful that day. The wind was weak, the sun shone from time to time between the […]

Vahiküla and Keila

This trip wasn’t really intended for photographing, but exploring a few new possible shooting locations. In other words, I had looked up some interesting places on maps that could be photographed in suitable weather, and now I wanted to look at the reality. There were a few trees of interest […]

Vihasoo, Käsmu, Jõelähtme

This time I took a slightly longer walk in the forest and coast of the Käsmu peninsula. Before that, I went to Vihasoo to take pictures, and later after Käsmu went to Jõelähtme. The first destination was Vihasoo. The drive took me straight from Tallinn. I wanted to get a […]

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