Pae park in Tallinn

I went to the Pae Park in Tallinn again to take pictures. This time it was the drone’s turn to take pictures. I wished to capture the Pae Park lit in street lights.

The drone made two flights in that park that day. One before sunset and the other when the street lights were on.

Unfortunately, the sunset did not produce strong colours this time.

Pae park

View from Pae park.

Pae park bridge

I made a video too.


I then brought the drone back to the ground, replaced the battery and memory card, and waited for the street lights to turn on.

While waiting, one could see quite a few people picking berries from the rowans there. I wondered what they would do with just one or two bunches of rowan berries.

I had to wait for about 30 minutes. Then the lights were lit and I was able to fly the drone again.

Pae park.

Pae park.

Pae park pedestrian bridge.

Pae park bridge.

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