Places near lake Peipsi

I had not been hiking anywhere for a long time, but this time I made a trip to the settlements by lake Peipsi. In addition, some other places so that the way back and forth would not be monotonous. The plan was as follows: Tallinn – Kallaste – Alatskivi – […]

Juminda peninsula

I had been planning to visit the Juminda peninsula for some time, but I just couldn’t make it sooner. The day before, quite a significant layer of snow fell in Northern Estonia, which is why this spectacle had to be photographed. This time I decided upon Juminda peninsula. I started […]

Viru bog

I visited the Viru bog at sunrise. In order to be there on time, I had to get up at 4 o’clock. The sun rose around 6:20. I was there 45 minutes earlier to be in the bog at sunrise. The drive went well, there was little traffic. I used […]