Linnutee Rummus

Eelmises loos juba kirjutasin, et plaanin uuesti Linnuteed pildistama minna. Nii ka läks. Seekord oli sihiks Rummus asuv tuhamägi. Läksin kohale paar tundi varem, et oleks aega õige pildistamiskoha leidmiseks ja ettevalmistuste tegemiseks. Veetsin kohapeal umbes 3 tundi. Seltsi pakkusid kauguses haukuvad koerad ja üksik rebane. Linnutee oli ka kogu […]

The season of lady’s-slipper orchids

This year I had decided to take pictures of lady’s-slipper orchids. I did preliminary work in the early spring to find a good place to take pictures of them. I found such a place and twice went there to see if the flowers were blossoming. Unfortunately, I had to come […]

Spring trip to Lääne county and Harju county

I had wanted to take pictures of lady’s-slipper orchids for a long time, so the purpose of this trip was to see if these beautiful flowers were blooming. The destination was Lääne County, where after research I thought that these orchids were growing. I’m not going to point out the […]

Rummu quarry and ash-hill

This time I decided to go to Rummu quarry and ash hill. I also thought at length about whether to apply for a permit to fly a drone for a trip there. As the area there is located near the Ämari air base, you must apply for a permit to […]