Kakerdaja bog

I went to Kakerdaja bog to take pictures of the sunrise. Beforehand, there was a lot of preparation to figure out what day would be the best place to go to the bog. The conditions were that the cloud cover should not be too dense and there should be fog. […]

Viru bog

I visited the Viru bog at sunrise. In order to be there on time, I had to get up at 4 o’clock. The sun rose around 6:20. I was there 45 minutes earlier to be in the bog at sunrise. The drive went well, there was little traffic. I used […]

Seli bog

I took a small trip to Seli bog. It is located in Paide parish in Järva County and is part of the Simisalu-Matsimäe nature trail. The purpose of this trip was to get acquainted with the bog, not so much to take pictures. I hadn’t been there before, so I […]

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