I made more photos of dripping water. In fact, the water has been added milk, food colours and xanthan gum. The whole photo session took about 6 hours, I took almost 1900 pictures, and I kept about 90 photos. These are the photos this time:
I took pictures of dripping water
For some time now, I haven’t been able to go into wild nature and therefore I haven’t posted on the blog. But now I took pictures in my home, namely of water dripping. This was the first time I had taken such pictures. I will do more such photo shoots […]
Places near lake Peipsi
I had not been hiking anywhere for a long time, but this time I made a trip to the settlements by lake Peipsi. In addition, some other places so that the way back and forth would not be monotonous. The plan was as follows: Tallinn – Kallaste – Alatskivi – […]
Insects on a sunny day
I had once again set my mind on going to take pictures of insects. The destination was Järve forest in Tallinn. I’ve been there before to photograph insects, but this time I went to a different place there. There were many bees and butterflies there, but as the day was […]
Noctilucent clouds in Tallinn
The purpose of this time’s photo trip was to capture noctilucent clouds. I had already taken pictures of them a few weeks earlier at Suurupi. But now the plan was to choose a slightly different landscape. For this, I had prepared several new destinations for myself, two of which I […]
Insects on Viimsi peninsula
I decided to go photographing insects again, this time on the Viimsi peninsula. The weather was sunny, which is not very suitable for taking pictures of insects, but I decided to take advantage of the day. There were quite a lot insects on the move. They were very active and […]
Insects on Pakri peninsula
This time I went to take pictures of insects a little further from home, on the Pakri Peninsula. I didn’t know exactly who to meet there, but I thought I’d go take a look. And there really were a lot of insects. I didn’t actually come across any special species […]
Insects at Türisalu
I’ve taken quite a few pictures of insects this year. For a change, it’s pretty good to photograph them, especially on hot summer days. No need to carry a heavy photo bag, no need to drive very far, no need to walk long distances. This time I decided to take […]