A walk on the Pakri peninsula

I took a slightly longer walk on the Pakri Peninsula. The plan was to go to places I hadn’t been to before.

I mainly moved around in the woods near the former Leetse missile base. I had no direct goal on this little trip. I just wanted to look around, maybe to capture something in a picture.

In the open fields, the wind was quite cold and strong that day, but inside the forest was completely calm again. The sun was shining.

I also saw yellow butterflies about 20 times that day. Thus I should have a golden summer ahead of me.

In total, I walked in the forests for about 3-4 hours. I couldn’t take a lot of pictures that day because I just didn’t notice so much. A few things I managed to photograph, though. It being a coastal area, the vegetation had not yet started to show itself much.

I had a small hope to capture blue hepaticas in the picture, but it was difficult to find them. Finally, I found two plants, which I then photographed from one side and the other.

Although the photo yield was mediocre that day, it was nice to walk in new places.