Kevadised lähifotod

Kasutasin vaba aja ära ja sõitsin lähedalasuvasse metsa, kus olen käinud juba mitu aastakümmet. See on mets, kus leian alati midagi põnevat. Ka seekord ei pidanud pettuma. Kuigi käisin seal alles eelmine nädal on loodus jälle tundmatuseni muutunud. Sain ringi jalutada umbes tunni ja mõned huvitavad taimed-puud jäid silma, mille […]

The drumlin of Türi, Paide and Türi

I had already wanted to go to Paide and Türi in the summer, but then it was cancelled due to other plans. But now I thought, at least in part, about making the plan a reality. Partly because the days are short now and one just can’t get everywhere in […]

Christmas in Estonia

I was thinking of making a post this time that goes back to history in addition to today. In other words, I will post here pictures of both this year’s and previous years’ Christmas in our cities. What has been seen over the years and how our cities have been […]

Christmas tree in the Tallinn town hall square

On the first day of December, I thought it appropriate to go to Tallinn Town Hall Square to take pictures of the Christmas tree there. There was no snow in Tallinn that day, but that was all right. Above all, I wished to take pictures with the drone, because this […]