Ice grippers and cleats

During the winter, when it is cold outside, my hikes always have ice soles and cats with me. The reason, of course, is simple: not to fall.

This is not a sponsored post. I have paid for these products myself and selected them for myself.

Unfortunately, ice is everywhere with cold degrees, be it on hiking trails, near water bodies, boardwalks, etc. Although my hiking boots behave quite well on the ice and don’t slip very much, that doesn’t mean they don’t slip at all. Then I use ice pans or ice pans as needed.


Ice soles are simple aids that can be placed under the boots if necessary. They are also relatively cheap, costing less than 10 euros. I use them practically every time I walk on a slightly icy surface, be it on a forest road, boardwalk or, for example, when climbing on top of gazebos, when the stairs have become snowy or icy.

You need to buy them according to the size of your shoe. They are also quite durable, because I use my own for the second winter in a row and there are no signs of breakage. They are also easy to carry because they don’t take up much space and don’t weigh much.


Ice cats are the second step in slipping. I use them when there is more ice, for example by the sea. They are difficult to turn on and between rocks and break cats quickly, but they are well used elsewhere.

I have selected the following product for myself: Climbing Technology Ice Traction Plus.

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